Flinders University has a broad range of world class research facilities and laboratories that provide access and services to internal and external researchers and organisations. This includes our cutting-edge Microscopy facility that delivers custom built equipment used by researchers from across the globe.
Our equipment and facilities are world class and often custom built. Many are one-of-a-kind in Australia—or even the world.
Find out moreA dedicated analytical facility that provides analytical services for both students and researchers located within Flinders University.
Find out moreSleep Research Laboratory is equipped to record EEG, EMG, movement, breathing, and body temperature and transmit this data to computers.
Find out moreOur equipment and facilities are cutting - edge. They are funded by grants from state and federal government, Microscopy Australia.
Find out moreThe Flinders Genomics Facility is a specialised environment for conducting high-throughput genetic and genomic research.
Find out moreThe Flinders Surgical Lab at Tonsley is a state-of-the-art facility where surgeons learn to use the latest products and equipment.
Find out moreCell Screen SA is the only high-throughput screening facility in South Australia that delivers high quality results.
Find out moreThe Flow Cytometry Facility offers flow cytometry training, assistance and advice to staff and students with regards to cell culture.
Find out moreThe FPF and laboratory provides a broad range of standard and advanced research techniques for the analysis of proteins.
Find out moreThe Animal Facility provides animals and services for medical research, GMO colony maintenance and technical services, all of which are in accordance with the South Australian Animal Welfare Act, 1985, and the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, 2013.
Ms. Roxanne Collingwood
Phone: +61 8 8204 4380
Email: roxanne.collingwood@flinders.edu.au
Ms. Erin Plews
Senior Animal Technician
Phone: +61 8 8204 7499
Email: erin.plews@flinders.edu.au
The Autism Research Initiative (ARI) has its roots in the early detection and intervention of children on the Autism Spectrum. Previous outcomes have included an early screening tool, intervention manual and book to assist parents and educators.
The ARI has extended its focus to include persons with ASD across all ages to include a number of projects looking at adult outcomes, the presentation of females, comorbidities and interactions within the criminal judicial system.
The ARI is currently host to 7 students conducting higher degrees within the lab so many of the projects are student led with an emphasis on input from community stakeholders.
Robyn Young
Phone: +61 8 8201 5104
Email: robyn.young@flinders.edu.au
Neil Brewer
Phone: +61 8 8201 2725
Email: neil.brewer@flinders.edu.au
Biomedical Engineering provides technology management and research support services to the College of Medicine and Public Health, including: whole of life technology advice, maintenance and support.
Biomedical Engineering
Flinders Medical Centre
Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA 5042
The Brain and Cognition Laboratory seeks to understand cognitive and visual processes, how they operate and how they are represented in the brain. Using the approach of Experimental Psychology, we are interested in topics uncluding: asymmetries in behaviour and cognition, spatial attention, numerical cognition, face perception and adaptation, body image, learning, belief updating and decision making.
We employ techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and behavioural psychophysics to investigate these processes. Our research is relevant to improving human performance and human/machine interactions and mental health.
Professor Mike Nicholls
Dean of Research
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Flinders University
The College of Science and Engineering's College Store is available to all staff, honours and RHD students. This facility replaces the stores that were operating in the Schools.
Dr Melissa Schlein
Stores & Logistics Coordinator
Cassey Quy
Stores & Logistics Officer
The SE College, Engineering Services Team (EST) is a multidisciplinary team of practitioners with capability to engineer systems and equipment in support of teaching and research. Within the team, we have design, development, construction, coding, maintenance and project management skills.
Website: http://cseengservices.flinders.edu.au
Email: CSE.engservices@flinders.edu.au
Anthony Papageorgiou
Acting Manager, Engineering Services
Tonsley: +61 8 8201 3575
Bedford Park Mechanical: +61 8 8201 2203
Bedford Park Electronics: +61 8 8201 2289
The CSE Field Store manages shared (teaching and research) field equipment that supports field activities across the College.
Rob Keane
Computer Systems Officer
Phone: + 61 8 8201 2665
Lawrence Burk
Equipment Technician
Phone: +61 8 8201 3667
Sam Davies
Teaching Support Technical Officer
Phone: +61 8 8201 8377
David Vincent
Manager Laboratory Services
Phone: +61 8 8201 2116
In collaboration with Cisco, the new Flinders Digital Health Design Lab is an initiative of the Digital Health Research Centre and is shared with the prodigious Flinders Medical Devices Research Institute.
It is a unique space with a strong collaborative and innovative environment promoting Medical Simulation, Digital Health Design, and IoT in Health. It is an opportunity to explore, embrace and shape how we use emerging technologies to improve healthcare in a safe and secure manner.
Ginger Mudd
Research Officer
Digital Health Research Centre
The Eyewitness Memory Laboratory was established in the 1990s. Managed by Emeritus Professor Neil Brewer, who over the years has received continuous external funding from agencies such as the ARC and the National Science Foundation (USA) in excess of $4 million, the lab’s major focus has been in the area of eyewitness memory and identification. Associate Professor Nathan Weber has been a major co-investigator on eyewitness memory projects receiving about $1.4 million.
The Flinders NMR Facility provides nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for academic and industrial clients requiring analysis on solution or solid samples.
Physical Sciences Building (Bldg 54)
Flinders University
Bedford Park, SA 5042
Associate Professor Martin Johnston
College of Science and Engineering
The Food Research Laboratory conducts research on eating behaviour and physical activity. Our research applies cognitive psychological theory and experimental methodology to the study of health behaviours, such as snacking, dieting, exercise, food cravings and soft drink consumption.
The Laboratory facilities are conducive to individual and small group testing. The laboratory space comprises individual, partitioned work stations equipped with computers and touch screens. There is also a separate kitchen facility with a fridge, freezer, oven, cooktop, sink and bench-tops to enable the preparation and storage of food and beverages used in this research.
Professor Eva Kemps
Ms Sarah Hollitt
The Forensic and Clinical Cognition Lab marries experimental and clinical approaches to study the ways that our memories—particularly what and how we remember about adverse personal experiences and our reactions to those experiences—shape our resilience in the present and in the future.
We are interested in factors – including warnings, stress, attention, and social connection – that shape the way we attend to, react to and remember emotional material and experiences, and how we anticipate emotional experiences in the future. We also examine the role of involuntary or spontaneous remembering and related concepts, including mind-wandering and meta-awareness, in determining psychological well-being. And finally, we work to understand other puzzles of memory in legal contexts, such as memory distortion for crime, and how alcohol affects eyewitness memory.
Melanie Takarangi, PhD
College of Education, Psychology & Social Work
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
Adelaide, South Australia, 5001
The Materials Characterisation Facility provides advanced capabilities in the analysis of the chemical thermal and physical properties of a wide range of materials.
We support the research activities of both Flinders and external researchers trough access to leading edge facilities in polymer and materials science, including training.
Our industrial experience means that we can apply these techniques to a wide range of industrial problems and standard analysis methods.
Earth Sciences Building (Bldg 45)
Flinders University
Bedford Park, SA 5042
Flinders at Tonsley is home to the national headquarters of the Medical Device Partnering Program, an ideas incubator fostering collaborations between researchers, industry and end-users to develop medical technologies with global market potential.
The MDPP is able to leverage a diverse range of expertise to contribute to product conceptualisation, and with a dedicated laboratory on-site, the MDPP can deliver a confidential, focused 250-hour project, combined with a product opportunity assessment, for clients.
The MDPP provides a mechanism to develop proof-of-concept, prototyping, clinical evaluation and commercisation planning. Ideas that are brought to the MDPP cover a range of solutions including therapeutics devices, diagnostics, hospital equipment and accessories, surgical instruments, assistive technologies and software and simulation tools.
The MDPP also partners with industry growth centre, MTPConnect, to deliver a number of national funding programs including the Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB), Targeted Translation Research Accelerator (TTRA) and Clinical Translation and Commercialisation - Medtech (CTCM) programs.
The Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI) is a multi-disciplinary Institute with the expertise and capabilities to deliver innovative solutions to the medical and allied health sector.
The MDRI Development Laboratory specialises in the research and development of general medical devices and assistive technologies, instruments, software and systems for understanding, diagnosing, treating and monitoring medical conditions. Each research project aims to solve problems identified by end users such as health professionals, hospital groups and patient groups and relies heavily on close input from the other research areas within the MDRI.
The MDRI houses the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) medical device fabrication facility, in addition to other specialist facilities including a motion analysis laboratory, PPE testing facility, a microCT imaging facility, surgical skills laboratory, biomechanics lab with specialist testing equipment, and a PC2 laboratory.
Jodie Hobbs
MDPP R&D Manager
The Neurology Laboratory, situated in the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), focuses on neuro-oncology, neurological disease and biobanking.
SA Brainbank
Professor Simon Conn
SA Neurological Tumour Bank
Dr Rebecca Ormsby
The Laboratory, run by Dr Tim Chataway, focuses on the manufacture of novel polyclonal antibody reagents for research use. Services include immunisation of animal species (Rabbit and Sheep), serum/antibody collection, purification, testing and characterisation in collaboration with the College of Medicine and Public Health’s Animal Facility and common service instrumentation.
Excess reagents are on-sold and distributed worldwide via reagent companies, bringing in funding for University research and production of new reagents.
For more information and/or to obtain a quote please contact us.
Dr Tim Chataway
College of Medicine and Public Health
Phone: +61 8 8204 3108
Email: tim.chataway@flinders.edu.au
Ms Nusha Chegeni
College of Medicine and Public Health
Phone: +61 8 8204 6103
Email: nusha.chegeni@flinders.edu.au
Under the direction of Professor Reg Nixon The PTSD Research Unit undertakes research to improve our understanding of the causes and maintaining factors of posttraumatic stress disorders, in particular the cognitive and memory processes underlying these problems.
The Unit also has a focus on researching and improving evidence-based therapies for posttraumatic stress. Depending on the project, therapy typically involves between 10 — 15 sessions. We see adults and children (depending on therapist and project availability).
The Unit undertakes research in the context of a wide range of traumatic experiences, including but not limited to: natural disasters, interpersonal trauma in both child and adulthood, accidental injury, and trauma experienced through employment (e.g., first responders, current and past military service members).
For enquiries regarding research, media and PhD supervision, please contact:
Professor Reg Nixon
Professor in Psychology
Phone: +61 8 8201 2748
Email: reg.nixon@flinders.edu.au
For enquiries or self-referral to treatment studies, please contact:
PTSD Referral Line
Phone: +61 8 8201 5995
Email: traumaunit@flinders.edu.au
Justice, emotions and morality are important and interconnected parts of human behaviour and experience. For example, when we feel wronged we often experience anger, perceive an injustice and demand repair. When we have done wrong we may feel guilt or shame and offer reparation. Or, when we sense that a situation could be better or fairer, we may experience hope and engage in behaviour to advance this cause. These processes have practical implications across a range of settings such as justice, organisations, relationships, and motivation (for social action or personal change).
The Psych-JEM lab at Flinders University is a team of social psychologists including academics, postgrad students, honours students and undergraduate research assistants, engaging in research on the psychology of justice, emotions and morality. Our research employs a range of methods, including experimental designs in lab and field, survey and correlational studies, and qualitative methods.
Our research is concerned with a variety of human behaviours in interpersonal and intergroup relations, including: apology, confession, defensiveness, forgiveness, self-forgiveness, self-punishment, shaming, restorative justice, reconciliation, whistleblowing, social discrimination, dehumanisation, hope and collective action.
Michael Wenzel
Phone: +61 8 8201 2274
Email: michael.wenzel@flinders.edu.au
Lydia Woodyatt
Phone: +61 8 8201 2449
Email: lydia.woodyatt@flinders.edu.au
The psychology and media laboratory contains a set of computers with facilities for the editing of images and video.
Work in the psychology and media laboratory is largely directed towards projects investigating the role of media (print, televised, social) in body image being conducted by Professor Marika Tiggemann and her team.
Marika Tiggemann PhD FASSA
Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor
Professor of Psychology
College of Education, Psychology & Social Work
The Rehabilitation and Motion Analysis Laboratory at Tonsley incorporates a 10 camera Vicon system (Vicon Bonita 10, 1MP Optical Camera, 250 fps) for motion capture and analysis, 4 AMTI force plates (AMTI OR6-7-1K-SYS Force Platforms) within a flexible grid arrangement for flexible ground reaction force measurement, a ceiling mounted hoist (rated at 250kg) to provide assistance for partial weight bearing activities, and a 16-channel combined wireless EMG and tri-axial accelerometer system for muscle activity measurement.
The Laboratory also includes a custom made, adjustable instrumented staircase, enabling motion and kinetic analysis of a wide range of typical activities (level gait, sit-to-stand, stair ascent, stair descent, deep knee bend, etc), including dual-camera 2D gait recording with our autonomous robot.
The lab is open for research, clinical and teaching purposes and we encourage you to contact us if you are interested in accessing these facilities.
Dr David Hobbs
Senior Lecturer and Rehabilitation Engineer
Participation in protest and other forms of collective action is critical for a healthy, functioning democracy. However, political violence has enormous personal, social and economic costs. Therefore, our research applies social psychological theorizing and concepts to understand i) when, why and how people decide to join collective efforts to bring about a desired social change; ii) the factors that shift people towards violent extremism.
The Social Influence and Social Change Laboratory adopts cross-sectional and experimental methods to study how exposure to different stimuli and different social contexts shapes people’s engagement (or disengagement) with social justice issues. With the advent of new forms of technology (social media: Facebook, Twitter) our analysis also increasingly focuses on the role of social interactions in shaping people’s responses towards inequality and injustice.
Professor Emma Thomas
Professor of Psychology
The Social Work Skills and Simulations Lab offers an exciting experimental space for innovative participatory research undertaken with industry partners.
The custom-built lab in Social Sciences North (Room 256) offers 7 interview rooms equipped with the latest in audio-visual equipment. The lab will enhance the placement preparation and employability of Flinders student social workers by focussing coaching sessions on real-world professional skills development.
Training will take place in a safe environment where students, working in pairs and small groups, receive feedback from staff and peers, without affecting the wellbeing of vulnerable client groups.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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