Available any time
Mode of delivery
Please note: the current hosting platform to the online Flinders Chronic Condition Management Program is currently being transitioned and new registrations will be available shortly.
In the absence of the online training program, Accredited Trainer Sandy Hamilton, is facilitating future training sessions.
The next training is scheduled for April 8th, 10th, 15th and 17th, 2025 (3 hours per day online via Teams).
If interested, please email: ccm@flinders.edu.au.
The Chronic Condition Management Program introduces tools and processes to assist in supporting self-management and patient collaboration in care planning.
This short course is designed and relevant for allied health practitioners, aged care workers, nurses, GPs and Aboriginal health practitioners.
This short course introduces the structured process and set of tools underpinning the Flinders Program approach to self-management support and collaborative care planning. The program includes supervised practice of self-management assessment and care planning.
In order to receive a Certificate of Completion, participants must complete the Flinders Program training, including care planning activities, and submit the signed individual Trainee Undertaking and Personal Licence for Use of the Flinders Program. These entitle the participant to use the Flinders Program tools as part of their individual clinical practice.
CPD and Credits Attendance at this short course, where relevant to your clinical role, can be used as self-reported evidence of meeting CPD requirements of up to 16 hours.
This workshop has been endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners QI&CPD as a Category 1 activity (the equivalent of 40 points) and also by Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine as a PRPD activity (to the equivalent of 30 points).
This short course is delivered by members of the Education and Training team. Areas of expertise include psychiatry, nursing, occupational therapy and social work.
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South Australia 5042
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CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University
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