Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

Fast facts

Course facts at a glance.
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International Student

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Australia or New Zealand.

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Domestic Student

I am an Australian or New Zealand Citizen.

I'm an Australian Permanent Resident
(including Humanitarian Visa holders).

SACE stage two general mathematics or equivalent.

Assumed knowledge


2024 selection rank


Guaranteed selection rank



Diploma or above

Adjustment factors available


SATAC code

244221 (Tonsley) 284841 (City)

Delivery mode
In person:
  • – Tonsley
  • – City
Online: No

3 years full-time
(or part-time equivalent)
Deferrable: Yes

Annual indicative fee
Start dates
  • – March
  • – July

The answer is… not entirely. These two paragraphs describing artificial intelligence were written by Talk To Transformer, a website created by Canadian engineer Adam King. Utilising technology developed by research lab OpenAI, Talk To Transformer’s neural network generates text from samples you paste.

In this case, we pasted the text ‘artificial Intelligence research’ into the prompt, and extracted the following two paragraphs from the A.I. generated response.

If you read with a critical eye, it’s clear the A.I. isn’t perfect - however the capabilities of such systems are constantly improving.

Creating articles indistinguishable from human-written equivalents is only one aspect of the potential of artificial intelligence. From autonomous vehicles to defence applications, health, online shopping, logistics and law, almost every industry will be affected by A.I.

So get future ready - study Flinders Artificial Intelligence.